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What is Carrier-free? Why does it matter?

Protein carriers such as BSA can affect the protein migration. The presence of BSA to recombinant protein may affect the migration of the recombinant protein in SDS-PAGE and may mask recombinant protein bands on a pre-stained membrane. Carrier-free recombinant proteins are highly advantageous in applications such as in vivo injection and protein labeling.

How does Native-Protein ensure the reproducibility?

Native-Protein has stringent quality control standards to guarantee the highest lot-to-lot consistency. We compare multiple lots to ensure that every lot we sell has maximal consistency with previous lots. Also, we offer a free service where our customers can request to keep the original lot of the protein in their initial order for a 30 day period. For more details regarding program that ensures the reproducibility, please contact our customer services at

How should I reconstitute the lyophilized proteins?

Although most of our lyophilized proteins can be dissolved in 1x PBS, proteins should always be reconstituted and stored in the buffer recommended on the datasheet. What buffer to choose to reconstitute a protein is dependent on the property of each individual protein. Using improper buffer may cause incomplete dissolution, change of protein configuration, or loss of protein function. For a more detailed description, refer to the document here.

What is the endotoxin level in Native-Protein products? How do I know what endotoxin level is suitable for my application?

Endotoxin in a protein product is mainly caused by Lipopolysaccharides (LPS). LPSs are major constituents of the cell walls of gram-negative bacteria, and they elicit strong immune responses causing hypotension, organ failure, disseminated intravascular coagulation, and fatal shock in mammalian hosts. The endotoxin level in all of our products is below 1000EU/mg, which is low enough for applications such as ELISA, SDS-PAGE, structure study, and high-throughput screening. However, applications as in vivo studies, some activity assay, or antigen require lower endotoxin level. In this case, we can remove endotoxin for you to reach as low as 5 EU/mg. For this reason, we encourage our customers to consult our customer service specialists for the endotoxin level that is safe for their assays.

How does shipping work with Native-Protein?

Native-Protein uses FedEx shipping. For domestic deliveries, we use next-day delivery, and thus we only ship Monday-Thursday. International shipments are shipped on international priority, and have an estimated 3-5 day delivery, but we cannot control the delivery date once it leaves our office. Liquid items are sent domestically on blue ice, and custom products and international liquid items are sent on dry ice. Pricing details can be found on our Shipping Information page.

What is your "Risk Free" Policy?

Details can be found on our policy page here, but you can always contact us by email, providing your analysis of the protein. This will allow our labs to review the lot your product came from for problems, and will allow us to proceed with a refund/replacement. We take quality control very seriously, and we pride ourselves in our quality of both our products, as well as our service.