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High quality antibodies to support your research!

Catalog NO. Product Name Host Organism species
NP10001 Anti-β-Actin Mouse mAb Mouse Human,Mouse,Rat
NP10004 Anti-TBL1 Mouse mAb Mouse Human
NP10005 Anti-TFIIB Mouse mAb Mouse Human,Mouse,Monkey
NP10006 Anti-Trx-tag Mouse mAb Mouse Trx-tagfrompET32a
NP10007 Anti-KDM5C/Jarid1C/SMCX Mouse mAb Mouse Human
NP10008 Anti-UHRF1(N-term) Mouse mAb Mouse Human,Mouse
NP10009 Anti-KDM1/LSD1 Mouse mAb Mouse Human,Monkey
NP10010 Anti-JMJD6(N-term) Mouse mAb Mouse Human
NP10011 Anti-β-Actin Mouse mAb Mouse Human,Rat,Mouse,Goat,Monkey,Hamster
NP10012 Anti-β-Actin Mouse mAb Mouse Human,Mouse,Monkey,Goat,Rat,Hamster,Saccharomyces cerevisiae,Arabidopsis,Pichia pastoris,Rabbit,Zebrafish,Drosophila,Leaf of Rice,Fruit of Cucumber,Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii
NP10013 Anti-Dynactin 1(N-term) Mouse mAb Mouse Human
NP10014 Anti-Eg5 Mouse mAb Mouse Human
NP10015 Anti-DBC1 Mouse mAb Mouse Human,Mouse,Rat,Monkey
NP10016 Anti-HDAC4(N-term) Mouse mAb Mouse Human,Mouse,Rat,Monkey
NP10017 Anti-KMT3C/SMYD2 Mouse mAb Mouse Human,Mouse
NP10018 Anti-PRMT4/CARM1 Mouse mAb Mouse Human,Mouse
NP10019 Anti-HP1-γ Mouse mAb Mouse Mouse,Human,Monkey,Hamster,Rat
NP10020 Anti-HP1-α Mouse mAb Mouse Human,Mouse
NP10021 Anti-NPM1 Mouse mAb Mouse Human,Mouse
NP10022 Anti-KLF4 Mouse mAb Mouse Transfected
NP10023 Anti-POU5F1/OCT4 Mouse mAb Mouse Mouse
NP10024 Anti-Sox2 Mouse mAb Mouse Mouse
NP10025 Anti-COX IV Mouse mAb Mouse Human,Mouse,Rat,Hamster,Goat,Monkey
NP10026 Anti-PRMT6 Mouse mAb Mouse Human
NP10027 Anti-Fatty Acid Synthase Mouse mAb Mouse Human,Mouse,Rat,Monkey